Does Every Day Feel Like Groundhog Day?

You get up, you do the same thing, day in and day out. For me, I know that when we were on ‘lock-down’, every day did feel like groundhog day,

But as things have relaxed a bit, and I have been able to go back into the office, things have started to feel different. However, many of my clients are telling me that for them, life still feels like every day is groundhog day. Perhaps you feel the same too?

Maybe you have been put on furlough, or made redundant… or perhaps you are working from home now… and somehow, life has lost its sparkle. Here is my advice on what to do to change that.

Look at what isn’t working for you…

First thing to do is to take an honest look at your day to day life and ask yourself what isn’t working for you. What is making you feel like every day is groundhog day? Write these things down, and then ask yourself what you can do to change that. Can you cut certain things out of your life? Tick off your list the things that you are going to let go of, and then go and make yourself a cuppa! Just breathe and let that toxic stuff go…

Look at what will work for you…

You get to choose how you want to spend the hours in your day. Okay, you might have some work to do… but you get to choose how you structure your day, how you feel throughout your day. Even when you are sitting working you can choose how you want to feel… you can light some candles, you can choose a new herbal tea, you can take a magical bath at lunchtime.. YOU get to choose how to feel, nobody else is in charge of that so have a think about how you can make tomorrow special.

Attitudes are contagious, is yours worth catching?

Spread the love, when you choose to change how YOU feel, share the vibe with others, we are all in this together, and we can spread the energy to those who are near and dear to us. We can even spread it on a global basis! So check in with those around you, see how loved ones are doing. And if you use social media, be mindful about what you are sharing – go for uplifting posts rather than negative, political etc.

Covid has really knocked the wind out of the world’s sails, and it can really feel like a struggle to get up and be positive. We may not have much control over what is happening outside of us, but we do have total control of how we react to things. 

So, if every day feels like Groundhog Day, there has never been a better time to taking charge and changing things.

I hope this article motivates you to make tomorrow better, until next time, have a great week

Speak soon,



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