Hi, it’s Chris here, I just wanted to say HAPPY 2022, this is my first blog post of this year and so before I begin, I wanted to take a moment to wish you and your loved ones a very happy 12 months ahead.Christopher Paul Jones

If you have been living life under the power and control of a phobia, you may be at the point in life where you feel like you are at a crossroads. The world is slowly opening up again, and perhaps over the last two years you have been able to avoid that thing that scares you. Now, as life picks up a little speed again, it may feel like your phobia has suddenly crept up on you.

In this weeks blog post, I want to talk about how you can stop this from becoming a huge problem for you, and we are going to look at how you can make 2022 a phobia free year!

Ready? Get yourself comfortable and let’s get started!

Christopher Paul Jones

In order to make 2022 phobia free, there are 3 things that I suggest you bring your attention to:

Understand The Triggers To Your Phobia

You may have a phobia of spiders but it might be the dark corner in a room that triggers you.

Be aware of what your triggers are, grab a note pad and a cuppa, get yourself cosy and really think about what it is that puts you into a state of panic and triggers the fear connected to your phobia.

Being aware of your triggers can really help you to avoid your fear and phobia because often, the trigger is not the obvious thing, I.e the spider, the plane etc. Understanding the very first point where panic may set in for you means that you can do one of two things with that information – you can either avoid that trigger altogether, or you can have some tools in place so that if you come face to face with it you can deal with it.

Often we panic about panicking so this can be really comforting and build confidence, if you know that you have ways to deal with things.

Have Ways To Deal With Your Phobia If And When You Are Triggered.

So, above we talked about thinking about what your triggers are, and now I want you to think about having a couple of easy to use techniques in your tool kit so that if and when you do feel panic or fear you can act accordingly,

Try this technique:

If and when you approach a situation that provokes fear or panic in you, take some deep breaths and find a spot where you can sit down for a few minutes. Imagine that thing that scares you in your minds eye, and then make it smaller, and turn it black and white.

Take the size, and the colour of it, and it suddenly seems less scary! Why? Well, by reducing the sensory stimulating factors, we avoid sensory overload.

We reduce the emotional response to the image as we need colour and depth, to make it appear and feel real. Remove the emotional connection and response and you reduce the fear and panic associated with your phobia.

Choose To Make 2022 The Year That You Are Free From Your Phobia.

Phobias are not something that you have to live with. They can be removed just as quickly as they can be created and I can remove your phobia swiftly and safely, when you book a session with me. To do this start by booking a free consultation with me where we can chat about what has been going on for you and I can let you know how and when I can work with you.

Being phobia  free is closer than you realise, Book your free consultation with me today by clicking here to be taken to my online diary/appointment booking page.

May 2022 be a year where you release yourself from your mental and physical limitations, release yourself from the controlling grip of your phobia and begin to enjoy your life again.

As always I am here for you and I hope that your 2022 is going smoothly

Speak soon

Christopher Paul Jones 




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