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Be Free From Your Claustrophobia With Christopher Paul Jones.

Does This Sound Like You

You panic if you find yourself in confined spaces.
You panic about the thought of panicking in confined spaces.
You avoid certain social situations, such as small bars and coffee shops.
You cannot get on the Tube because of the lack of space on there.
You may even find it difficult to get stuck in clothing when taking things off.

If you answered YES to one or more of those things, chances are you need help for your claustrophobia.


Find out more about how I can set you free from your claustrophobia now.

Stop Allowing Your Claustrophobia To Control Your Life. Get Help Now.

From being confined in small spaces to feeling ‘trapped’ when removing clothing – Claustrophobia can affect us in a range of ways.

But the good news is, that even if this has been a lifelong phobia, the condition is perfectly treatable.

I can remove your Claustrophobia – if you’d like me to help you, simply book your initial call with me below.

Want to know more about Claustrophobia? Then get comfortable and watch this video.


Helping You To Be Free From Your Claustrophobia

Sahil Mohammed
I had a fear of enclosed places and it felt hopeless. I felt it was getting worse each day and I never would have thought it could be cured. I was scared of getting into elevators, onto trains or flights and even buses sometimes. Today I can proudly say that I have overcome my fears completely. Its only because of Christopher that I am experiencing this freedom and I can’t thank him enough for giving me my life back.

Sahil Mohammed from India

Robin Donaldson – PHD 1 1

I was stuck in California with a severe flight phobia. My problem was severe claustrophobia, and at its worst I was very anxious even when going on a subway.I couldn’t travel back home or go on any holidays.

I used to dread going through tunnels, over bridges, going on the subway and of course flying. These events don’t punctuate my life anymore, and now, I don’t even think of them.

This *isn’t* too good to be true. It works,
Thank you SO much Chris.

Robin Donaldson – PHD

I was starting to feel very anxious and claustrophobic, I’ve had two sessions with him now and both were great! I felt very uplifted and it was like something had been taken off my shoulders.. I’d definitely recommend Chris and I have already told friends about him that I know would benefit from his work. Thank you for the help!

Emilie UK

I was petrified of panicking and feeling like I couldn’t escape.

Whilst speaking with Chris we discussed my fear of lifts as well as flying. I went to Mallorca on holiday and used the lift every day at least 3 times without difficulty.

I couldn’t believe how well I done. the areas that I was anxious about were nothing

Craig Stobie – Police officer from Scotland

Cure Your Claustrophobia With Me, Christopher Paul Jones – Claustrophobia Cure In London.

Be free from your claustrophobia in a short time frame.

Enjoy the freedom of being able to go where you want to.

Appreciate spaces of all sizes, no more panic at the thought of small spaces.


What Creates Claustrohobia?

So, you know that you have claustrophobia, but you might be wondering how you developed it.

Phobias are ‘fear’ intensified and are usually created after a bad ’emotional’ experience. More often than not, a phobia is developed in Childhood, but that isn’t always the rule here. A phobia can begin at any age and happens as a result of intense fear. 

Perhaps you had a bad experience that left you petrified when in confined spaces.

The incident itself is almost irrelevant, what matters is that it scared you. And when you were in this heightened emotional state, during this negative experience, your Subconscious mind made a mental note of this, and made a choice to protect and ‘save you’.

This meant that every time your subconscious mind perceived a threat or a sense of danger, related to this fear, it sent a signal to your Amygdala.

The Amygdala is the part of your brain that responds to fear and tells you to go into ‘fight, flight, or freeze’ mode. So, each time you are exposed to your fear, your brain wants to switch to one of these modes and you have your ‘visible reaction’ to the fear.

And it’s that visible reaction (as well as your internal one) that had you stop and analyze your fear. So, that is how you got your phobia, and the good news is that I can easily cure one!

How To Remove Your Claustrophobia?

Do you long to be free from your claustrophobia? Are you avoiding places such as the tube, or crowded bars or lifts/elevators because of your fear of small spaces?

If you want to be free from your claustrophobia, and enjoy yourself in any sized location, then a one to one session with me will provide you with that freedom in the shortest time possible.

Whether it’s the fear of being trapped, or the fear of too many people, Claustrophobia can present itself in a variety of disguises.

As Harley Streets’ leading phobia cure expert, I am able to safely remove your phobia in as little as one session, which you can enjoy either in person, or virtually (via Zoom).

My Integrated Change System™ (ICS™), works by silencing the emotional triggers that cause the amygdala to respond to the thing that you fear. This means that you can feel neutral next time you are faced with a space that you currently think of as being too small for you.

This really is revolutionary in the field of fears and phobias and lasting change really IS possible.

It’s time to regain your freedom. Book your one to one session and be free from your claustrophobia at my Harley Street based Phobia Clinic now.

Christopher Paul Jones
Evening Standard logo

Can hypnotherapy cure anxiety and panic attacks on the Tube?
Liz Connor – London Evening Standard

Read the Full Article here

Christopher Paul Jones is a Phobia Specialist whose work is featured regularly on international TV, radio, and in the press, including the BBC, CBC, Hello, GQ, Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire, and national newspapers.

Christopher’s clients come from all over the world to see him in his consulting rooms on London’s world-renowned Harley Street, and he counts Hollywood actors, Oscar nominees, models, musicians, presenters, and celebrities among them.

Take the first step today!

To book a complimentary appointment with me, where we can chat about what is going on for you and I can let you know how I can help you, simply book your appointment using the booking form and I will contact you to confirm it.

What happens during a call?

You get to talk to me about what you would like my help with. Sometimes, just getting clarity on what really is going on can help you know what to do next in order to change the situation.

I will listen in confidence, and assess how I can best help you. If we then decide to work together, we can schedule your session with me.

There is no obligation to book a session with me, this complimentary call helps you gain clarity and enables us to see if there is a fit if we go on to work together.


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