How Has The Pandemic Affected Your Fear Of Flying? (Or Has It Given You One?)
I have noticed a change in the way that my fear of flying clients are feeling about flying. Has the pandemic changed the way that we feel about flying, or has it given you a fear of flying? And if so, how so - grab a cuppa and let's talk about it. THE FEAR HAS...
Having Trouble Sleeping? How To Deal With Insomnia.
It's been a hard time for a lot of us when it comes to sleeping - what with the worry about Coronavirus and the annoyingly HOT temperatures So I thought that this week I would talk about how to deal with Insomnia and get sleep when you are having trouble sleeping....
Is Your ‘Scrolling’ Causing You Anxiety?
It's 11pm, you've just got into bed and you find yourself scrolling on Facebook... before you know it, it's 2am and you're unable to sleep because your scrolling has triggered your anxiety... Hands up who is guilty of this? You promise yourself that you'll only look...
How To Handle Your Fear Of Loss.
Do you avoid getting too close to people because you fear losing them? If so, you are not alone with this, and a fear of loss is actually fairly common. However, if it is stopping you from having a rich and abundant personal life, and stopping you from taking steps in...
Social Media Anxiety – What Is It And How Can You Deal With It?
Have you ever felt anxious when using social media? Here are 3 ways that social media induces anxiety and my advice on what you can do about it. 1. You become anxious when you do not check your social media or reply to a message instantly. Do you find yourself...
How To Reduce Your Stress Levels.
Hello, it's me, Chris, and last week I spoke about how to tell the difference between stress and anxiety. This week, I want to offer some tips on how to Reduce Your Stress Levels - when life is really stressful. More and more of us are struggling with stress these...
What is the difference between stress and anxiety?
Hello, I hope that this blog post finds you well, and happy. Today I wanted to talk about stress and anxiety, and look at the difference between them. I often hear my clients talk about having stress AND anxiety, and they look baffled when ask them 'which is it?'....
3 tips to confident public speaking with Christopher Paul Jones.
Public Speaking - you're not on your own if you get butterflies just thinking about it. Did you know, that 3 in 4 of us have a fear of public speaking? No? Well you do now... so if YOU find yourself not being able to sleep at night because the day ahead of you feels...
Too much or too little therapy? How do we know when we have solved things?
In this post I wanted to share a video that I posted last week that talks about how you know when you have had too much or too little therapy, and what you can do about it. Let me start off by asking you this - have you ever met someone who seems to almost be addicted...