How To Use Your Anxiety To Your Advantage
Having anxiety can feel like a curse, can't it? Especially when it feels like everyone else around you is out having a good time, and you're at home, hiding under your duvet. In this weeks blog post I want to explore whether there can be a plus side to having anxiety,...
how To Handle Anxiety At The Airport
You waited two years for your holiday' due to Covid, and now you're stranded at the airport. With many airlines facing long delays due to staff shortage, and flights being delayed, and cancelled, here's how to handle anxiety if you find yourself stranded at the...
Mens Health Week – Give Yourself A Mind MOT
Its Mens Health Week, and I want to talk about giving yourself a Mind MOT. We check in with our motors, but do we check in with our own mind enough? Think about it, if you fail to maintain your motor, chances are it'll eventually break down. Same goes for your mind....
Do You Have An Addiction To Fear? Read This Article And Find Out
Do you have an addiction to fear? I know - it sounds strange when you first read it. But did you know, that a fear addiction is totally possible, and it's happening to a ridiculous amount of people out there. If this is something that intrigues you, pop the kettle...
How To Reduce Your Fear Of Flying In 6 Simple Steps
We are now in a position where we can (finally) book that holiday and fly again. Exciting news for some of us ... 'a trigger' for that fear of flying for some others of us. If the thought of stepping foot on a plane is bothering you, I am going to look at 6 simple...
Mental Health Awareness Week: 7 Ways To Boost Your Mental Health
It's Mental Health Awareness Week, so to mark it, here are 7 ways to boost your mental health and improve your life and wellbeing. 1. Make Mental Health Care Part Of Your Day To Day Living Have you ever developed a cavity, and wished that you had taken better care of...
How To Handle A Phobia Of The Easter Bunny
Happy Easter! It's that time of year again, where kids fill their faces with way too much chocolate, and adults make the most of enjoying the sunshine. But for some people, Easter Sunday can leave them filled with dread at the mere thought of the Easter Bunny. In this...
3 Ways To Reduce Your Stress Levels
April is stress awareness month, so in this week's blog post I am going to share 3 ways in which you can reduce your stress quickly. Stress is something that can happen to all of us, and is a reaction to something that is going on around us. But if you identify...
How To Handle Loss This Mothers Day
It's Mother Day tomorrow and our social media feeds will be streaming with photos and well wishes for Mothers, but for some of us, it can be a day where we want to hide back under the duvet covers. How can you handle loss this Mothers Day and not only survive the...